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IMessenger::MyServiceName Property

Deprecated. Deprecated in Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.0. Retrieves the service name of the primary service to which the local client user is currently signed in.


HRESULT IMessenger::get_MyServiceName(BSTR *pbstrServiceName);


  • pbstrServiceName
    Return value. A pointer to the string that identifies the primary service.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values.

S_OK Success.
RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER IMessenger::MySigninName is a NULL pointer.


Important   The IMessenger::MyServiceName property is available for use in Windows Messenger 5.0. It may be unavailable in subsequent versions. Use IMessengerService::ServiceName instead. To return a list of MessengerService objects, use the IMessenger::Services property.

If the local client is offline, this property returns the string of the default service. The default service and the primary service are usually the same.

Important  IMessenger::MyServiceName is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Note  This property is available for scripting languages.

See Also
