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DMessengerEvents::OnSignin Event

Deprecated. Indicates that an attempt has been made to sign in to the primary service.


void OnSignin(      
    LONG hr


  • hr

    Success or error code as a LONG. For a table of the MSGR_E_* constants, see MSGRConstants.

    An error result for hr may result in all other event parameters being meaningless, NULL, or otherwise invalid. Always check for a successful hr before attempting to use the other event parameters.

    A negative result indicates a failure to connect; a positive or zero result indicates a successful connection. Possible values are as follows:

    • S_OK
      The local client has successfully signed in.
      The proxy server or Microsoft .NET Messenger Service specified could not be resolved. Host resolution is handled by an asynchronous Windows Sockets (Winsock) function call. Although this sign-in request never actually reached a server, the return value is passed back as a self-generated DMessengerEvents::OnSignin event.
      The server or proxy Internet Protocol (IP) addresses were resolved, but proxy configurations were incorrect, or some other Winsock APIs error prevented full connection to the server. Warning, error, or Network Monitor trace output may display more information.
      The user has canceled the sign-in attempt before connecting to any server.
      The connection to the server was not established within 15 seconds of continuous negotiating or requesting states. (These are internal states that appear as the MISTATUS_LOCAL_CONNECTING_TO_SERVERstate.)
      The connection to the server was established, but version differences between client and server prevented further protocol exchange. The client might be unable to continue.
      The password did not match the password for the given sign-in name in the server-side user store. Because there is no differentiation between the case of a nonexistent user and the case of an existing user but invalid password, MSGR_E_USER_NOT_FOUND is not a return hr for this method.
      Additional server-returned error code that translates to these locally generated error codes.
      Additional server-returned error code that translates to these locally generated error codes.
      Additional server-returned error code that translates to these locally generated error codes.

Return Value

No return value.



The DISPID for this event is defined in msgrua.h. Use this value to identify the event handler when implementing IDispatch::Invoke.


This event occurs on a successful or unsuccessful IMessenger::AutoSignin call, a user sign-in attempt through the user interface (UI), or through other internal methods that cause a sign-in attempt. Implementations should not rely on this event to assume that the local client is ready for other API calls and should instead wait for the DMessengerEvents::OnMyStatusChange event to return mMYStatusOE = MISTATUS_ONLINE.

This event applies only to the current primary service of the client. If secondary services are signed in, no event is issued in the Microsoft Windows Messenger API.

To be used when writing custom ::Invoke methods to handle these events.

Parameter vaArgs[x] Variant Type
hr 2 VT_I4

Note  This event is available for scripting languages.

Important  DMessengerEvents::OnSignin is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.