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IPhotoAcquireProgressCB Interface 

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IPhotoAcquireProgressCB Interface

The IPhotoAcquireProgressCB interface may be implemented if you wish to do extra processing at various stages in the acquisition process.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IPhotoAcquireProgressCB interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
Cancelled Provides extended functionality when a cancellation occurs during an acquisition session.
DirectoryCreated Provides extended functionality when a destination directory is created during the acquisition process.
EndDelete Provides extended functionality when deletion of files from the image source is complete.
EndEnumeration Provides extended functionality when enumeration of files from the image source is complete.
EndItemDelete Provides extended functionality each time a file is deleted from the image source.
EndItemTransfer Provides extended functionality each time a file is transferred from the image source.
EndSession Provides extended functionality when an acquisition session is completed.
EndTransfer Provides extended functionality when transfer of all files from an image source is complete.
ErrorAdvise Provides custom error handling for errors that occur during acquisition.
FoundItem Provides extended functionality each time an item is found during enumeration of items from the device.
GetDeleteAfterAcquire Returns a value indicating whether files should be deleted after download.
GetUserInput Overrides the default functionality that displays a message prompting the user for string input during acquisition.
StartDelete Provides extended functionality when deletion of items from the device begins.
StartEnumeration Provides extended functionality when the enumeration of items to acquire begins.
StartItemDelete Provides extended functionality each time the deletion of an individual item from the device begins.
StartItemTransfer Provides extended functionality each time the transfer of an item begins.
StartTransfer Provides extended functionality when acquisition of images from the device begins
UpdateDeletePercent Provides extended functionality when the percentage of items deleted changes.
UpdateTransferPercent Provides extended functionality when the percentage of items transferred changes.

See Also

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