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NM_VIDPROP_* Property IDs

The NM_VIDPROP_* type enumeration represents the property identifiers (IDs) defined for a video channel.

typedef enum tagNmVidProp{
  NM_VIDPROP_PAUSE                             = 1,
  NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_AUTO_SIZE                  = 2,
  NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_SIZE                       = 3,
  NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_POSITION                   = 4,
  NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_TOP_MOST                   = 5,
  NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_VISIBLE                    = 6,
  NM_VIDPROP_IMAGE_QUALITY                     = 8,
  NM_VIDPROP_CAMERA_DIALOG                     = 9,


    Video pause state. Range: 0-1. Paused is 0, not paused = 1. Default is 0. Set to 0 to play.

    The size of the video window as a percentage of the actual image size being received from the video camera. Range: 0-400 %. 0 is No autosize, 400 is 400% larger than actual size.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3

    The size of the video window. Range: 0 - 32767 pixels each for HIWORD and LOWORD. LOWORD is the width of the window. HIWORD is the height.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3.

    The position of the video window. Range: -32768 to 32767 pixels each for HIWORD and LOWORD. LOWORD is the window's x-coordinate. HIWORD is the y-coordinate.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3.

    Position of the video window relative to other windows. Range: 0 - 1. 0 means video window is on top, 1 means video window is not the uppermost window.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3.

    Visibility of the video window. Range: 0 - 1. 0 means hide the window, 1 means make it visible.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3.

    Size of the video window. Range: values from NM_VIDEO_* Size constants.

    Note  Not supported in NetMeeting 3.

    Image quality of the video window. Range: 0 - 31. 0 is lowest quality, 31 is highest quality.

    Dialog used by the video-capture device. Range: values from NM_VIDEO_* Dialog constants.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Header:** Imsconf2.idl.

See Also

INmChannelVideo::GetProperty, INmChannelVideo::SetProperty, INmChannelVideoNotify::PropertyChanged