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The Windows NetMeeting 3.01 Scripting object supports the dispinterface _INetMeetingEvents with the following methods:

The NetMeeting run time calls ConferenceStarted and ConferenceEnded to notify an application that a conference call has begun or ended. You can program your script to perform certain actions when these events occur. For example, the following HTML page displays a message when a conference call starts and ends.

<title>NetMeeting Scripting Test</title>
<object ID="NetMeeting" CLASSID="CLSID:3E9BAF2D-7A79-11d2-9334-0000F875AE17"</object>

    <input type=button value ="callto:"id=CallToBtn onclick=NetMeeting.CallTo(CallToAddress.value)></input>
    <input type=text id=CallToAddress></input>
    <input type=button value ="Hangup"id=HangUpBtn onclick=NetMeeting.HangUp()></input>

    <script for="NetMeeting" event=ConferenceStarted language=jscript>
            document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", "Conference started..<BR>");
    <script for="NetMeeting" event=ConferenceEnded language=jscript>
            document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", "Conference ended..<BR>");


Good programming practice in this case would be to avoid the display of blocking UI elements such as dialog boxes.

See Also
