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Use the CreateConnection method to establish a T.123 connection for a NetMeeting 3 call.

HRESULT CreateConnection(
  BSTR *pbstrConnectionID,     // For placing a call and closing connection
  PLUGXPRT_CALL_TYPE eCaller,  // Caller versus recipient of call
  DWORD dwProcessID,           // Used for DuplicateHandle
  HCOMMDEV hCommLink,          // Handle to communications file handle
  HEVENT hevtDataAvailable,    // ReadyToRead event (data available)
  HEVENT hevtWriteReady,       // ReadyToWrite event 
  HEVENT hevtConnectionClosed, // Connection closed, possibly unexpectedly 
  PLUGXPRT_FRAMING eFraming,   // Framing of bits sent on link
  PLUGXPRT_PARAMETERS *pParams // OPTIONAL framing-specific parameters


  • pbstrConnectionID
    [out] Pointer to a unique connection identifier (ID) later used by CloseConnection to disconnect.
  • eCaller
    [in] A value from the PLUGXPRT_CALL_TYPE enumeration that identifies whether the call request is from caller or recipient of call.
  • dwProcessID
    [in] Used to retrieve the source process handle. Used in conjunction with hCommLink to create local file handles. Also used with hevtDataAvailable, hevtWriteReady, and hevtConnectionClosed to create local event handles.
  • hCommLink
    [in] Handle to communications file. Used in conjunction with dwProcessID to create local file handles.
  • hevtDataAvailable
    [in] ReadyToRead event (data available). This must be reset automatically. Simulates FD_READ in Windows Sockets.
  • hevtWriteReady
    [in] ReadytoWrite event. This must be reset automatically. Simulates FD_WRITE in Windows Sockets.
  • hevtConnectionClosed
    [in] Connection closed, possibly unexpectedly. This must be reset automatically. Simulates FD_CLOSE in Windows Sockets.
  • eFraming
    [in] A value from the PLUGXPRT_FRAMING enumeration specifying the framing of bits sent on the communications link.
  • pParams
    [in] Optional parameter that is a pointer to a PLUGXPRT_PARAMETERS structure that lists framing-specific parameters.

Return Values

  • S_OK
    This connection has been created successfully.
    The parameter pbstrConnectionID is NULL.
    The parameter dwProcessID or hCommLink is NULL or both.
    The process cannot be opened or there would be duplicate handles.
    There has been a memory allocation failure.


CreateConnection is designed to work seamlessly with INmManager::CallConference and INmManager::CreateCall. For example, when the address type is NM_ADDR_TRANSPORT, pbstrConnectionID for CreateConnectionpoints to a bstrAddr value needed for one of the INmManager methods.

Both the application calling and the application receiving the NetMeeting call need to invoke the CreateConnection method.


**  Windows NT/2000:** Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.
**  Windows 95/98:** Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
**  Version:** Requires NetMeeting 3.0 or later.
**  Header:** Iplgxprt.idl.