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Further Reading

Windows® NetMeeting® uses component object model (COM) architecture. This section lists places to find more detailed information.

  • Windows NetMeeting Web site.
  • The Windows NetMeeting 3 Resource Kit provides detailed information about the conferencing standards used by NetMeeting. You can download the resource kit from the Microsoft Windows NetMeeting Web site.
  • Architecture of Connectable Objects in the Platform SDK.
  • Topologies, NetMeeting Resource Kit.
  • ITU T.120 specifications.
  • ITU H.323 specifications.
  • Windows Sockets in the Platform SDK.
  • Globally unique identifiers (GUIDs): Brockschmidt, Kraig, Inside OLE 2 Microsoft Press®, 1995 (2nd edition).
  • Chappell, David, Understanding ActiveX and OLE, Microsoft Press, 1996.
  • Microsoft Personal Support Center. Click Frequently Asked Questions in the left pane, and then among Products, choose NetMeeting.
  • Krassel, Alex and Steve Robinson, "NetMeeting 2.1 COM Interfaces: Understanding How They Work," Microsoft® Developer Network (MSDN™) Library.

There are also several organizations in the industry responsible for defining, approving, and communicating standards. These include:

  • International Telecommunications Union. The ITU, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is an international organization through which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunications networks and services. ITU activities include the coordination, development, regulation, and standardization of telecommunications as well as organization of regional and world telecommunications events.
  • Internet Engineering Task Force. The IETF is the protocol engineering and development arm of the Internet. The IETF is a large, open, international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
  • International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium Inc. The IMTC is a nonprofit corporation founded to promote the creation and adoption of international standards for multipoint document and video teleconferencing. The IMTC and its members promote a Standards First initiative to guarantee interoperability of all aspects of multimedia teleconferencing.