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Register Parser

The Register export function must be implemented in all parser DLLs. The implementation of Register creates and fills-in a property database for a protocol. Network Monitor uses the database to determine which properties the protocol supports.



  • hProtocol
    [in] The handle of the protocol that Network Monitor provides when calling Register. The hProtocol handle is needed when calling export helper functions.

Return Values



Network Monitor starts calling the Register function as soon as a capture is loaded. Network Monitor calls the Register function for each protocol it can identify. The CreateProtocol function passes a pointer to the Register function.

The implementation of Register includes calls to the following functions.

If the parser DLL contains multiple parsers, and the parser can detect more than one protocol, you must implement a Register function for each protocol.

For Information on See
What parsers are, and how they work with Network Monitor. Parsers
Which entry points are included in the parser DLL. Parser DLL Architecture
How to implement Register— includes an example. Implementing Register


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.

See Also

AddProperty, CreateHandoffTable, CreatePropertyDatabase, CreateProtocol