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Cmdlet Parameter Names

Cmdlet parameter names should be consistent across the cmdlets that you design. The following tables list the parameter names that we recommend you use when you declare cmdlet parameters.

The parameter names are grouped in this topic as follows.

  • Activity parameters

  • Date and time parameters

  • Format parameters

  • Property parameters

  • Quantity parameters

  • Resource parameters

  • Security parameters

Activity Parameters

The following table lists the recommended names and functionality for activity parameters.

  • Append
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the user can add content to the end of a resource when the parameter is specified.

  • CaseSensitive
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so the user can require case sensitivity when the parameter is specified.

  • Command
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so the user can specify a command string to run.

  • CompatibleVersion
    Data type: System.Version object

    Implement this parameter so the user can specify the semantics that the cmdlet must be compatible with for compatibility with previous versions.

  • Compress
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that data compression is used when the parameter is specified.

  • Compress
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the algorithm to use for data compression.

  • Continuous
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that data is processed until the user terminates the cmdlet when the parameter is specified. If the parameter is not specified, the cmdlet processes a predefined amount of data and then terminates the operation.

  • Create
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter to indicate that a resource is created if one does not already exist when the parameter is specified.

  • Delete
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that resources are deleted when the cmdlet has completed its operation when the parameter is specified.

  • Drain
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter to indicate that outstanding work items are processed before the cmdlet processes new data when the parameter is specified. If the parameter is not specified, the work items are processed immediately.

  • Erase
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the number of times a resource is erased before it is deleted.

  • ErrorLevel
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the level of errors to report.

  • Exclude
    Data type: String[]

    Implement this parameter so that the user can exclude something from an activity. For more information about how to use input filters, see Input Filter Parameters.

  • Exclude
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter so the user can exclude a resource type from the cmdlet action.

  • Filter
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a filter that selects the resources upon which to perform the cmdlet action. For more information about how to use input filters, see Input Filter Parameters.

  • Follow
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that progress is tracked when the parameter is specified.

  • Force
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter to indicate that the user can perform an action even if restrictions are encountered when the parameter is specified. The parameter does not allow security to be compromised. For example, this parameter lets a user overwrite a read-only file.

  • Incremental
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter to indicate that processing is performed incrementally when the parameter is specified. For example, this parameter lets a user perform incremental backups that back up files only since the last backup.

  • Include
    Data type: String[]

    Implement this parameter so that the user can include something in an activity. For more information about how to use input filters, see Input Filter Parameters.

  • InputObject
    Data type: Object

    Implement this parameter when the cmdlet takes input from other cmdlets. When you define an InputObject parameter, always specify the ValueFromPipeline keyword when you declare the Parameter attribute. For more information about using input filters, see Input Filter Parameters.

  • Insert
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet inserts an item when the parameter is specified.

  • Interactive
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet works interactively with the user when the parameter is specified.

  • Interval
    Data type: HashTable

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a hash table of keywords that contains the values. The following example shows sample values for the Interval parameter: -interval @{ResumeScan=15; Retry=3}.

  • Log
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that a log of the cmdlet actions is kept when the parameter is specified.

  • NoClobber
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the resource will not be overwritten when the parameter is specified. This parameter generally applies to cmdlets that create new objects so that they can be prevented from overwriting existing objects with the same name.

  • Notify
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the user will be notified that the activity is complete when the parameter is specified.

  • NotifyAddress
    Data type: E-mail address

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the e-mail address to use to send a notification when the Notify parameter is specified.

  • Overwrite
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet overwrites any existing data when the parameter is specified.

  • Prompt
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a prompt for the cmdlet.

  • Quiet
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet suppresses user feedback during its actions when the parameter is specified.

  • Recurse
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet recursively performs its actions on resources when the parameter is specified.

  • Repair
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet will attempt to correct something from a broken state when the parameter is specified.

  • RepairString
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a string to use when the Repair parameter is specified.

  • Retry
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so the user can specify the number of times the cmdlet will attempt an action.

  • Select
    Data type: Keyword array

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an array of the types of items.

  • Stream
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so the user can stream multiple output objects through the pipeline when the parameter is specified.

  • Strict
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that all errors are handled as terminating errors when the parameter is specified.

  • TempLocation
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so the user can specify the location of temporary data that is used during the operation of the cmdlet.

  • Timeout
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the timeout interval (in milliseconds).

  • Truncate
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet will truncate its actions when the parameter is specified. If the parameter is not specified, the cmdlet performs another action.

  • Verify
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet will test to determine whether an action has occurred when the parameter is specified.

  • Wait
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet will wait for user input before continuing when the parameter is specified.

  • WaitTime
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the duration (in seconds) that the cmdlet will wait for user input when the Wait parameter is specified.

Date and Time Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for parameters that handle date and time information. Date and time parameters are typically used to record when something is created or accessed.

  • Accessed
    Data type: Boolean

    Implement this parameter so that true indicates that the cmdlet will operate on resources that have been accessed based on the date and time specified by the Before and After parameters.

    If this parameter is true, the Created and Modified parameters must be false.

  • After
    Data type: DateTime

    Implement this parameter to specify the date and time after which the cmdlet was used. For the After parameter to work, the cmdlet must also have an Accessed, Created, or Modified parameter. And, that parameter must be set to true when the cmdlet is called.

  • Before
    Data type: DateTime

    Implement this parameter to specify the date and time before which the cmdlet was used. For the Before parameter to work, the cmdlet must also have an Accessed, Created, or Modified parameter. And, that parameter must be set to true when the cmdlet is called.

  • Created
    Data type: DateTime

    Implement this parameter so that true indicates that the cmdlet will operate on resources that have been created based on the date and time specified by the Before and After parameters.

    If this parameter is true, the Accessed and Modified parameters must be false.

  • Exact
    Data type: Boolean

    Implement this parameter so that true indicates that the resource term must match the resource name exactly and false indicates that the resource term and name do not need to match exactly.

  • Modified
    Data type: DateTime

    Implement this parameter so that true indicates that the cmdlet will operate on resources that have been changed based on the date and time specified by the Before and After parameters.

    If this parameter is true, the Accessed and Created parameters must be false.

Format Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for parameters to use to format or to generate data.

  • As
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter to specify the cmdlet output format. For example, possible values could be Text or Script.

  • Binary
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter to indicate that the cmdlet handles binary values.

  • Encoding
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter to specify the type of encoding that is supported. For example, possible values could be ASCII, UTF8, Unicode, UTF7, BigEndianUnicode, Byte, and String.

  • NewLine
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that the newline characters are supported when the parameter is specified.

  • ShortName
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that short names are supported when the parameter is specified.

  • Width
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the width of the output device.

  • Wrap
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that text wrapping is supported when the parameter is specified.

Property Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for property parameters.

  • Count
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the number of objects to be processed.

  • Description
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a description for a resource.

  • From
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the reference object to get information from.

  • Id
    Data type:

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the identifier of a resource.

  • Input
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the input file specification.

  • Location
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the location of the resource.

  • Logname
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the log file to process or use.

  • Name
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the resource.

  • Output
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the output file.

  • Owner
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the owner of the resource.

  • Property
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name or the names of the properties to use.

  • Reason
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify why this cmdlet is being invoked.

  • Regex
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that regular expressions are used when the parameter is specified. When this parameter is specified, wildcard characters are not resolved.

  • Speed
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the baud rate. The user sets this parameter to the speed of the resource.

  • State
    Data type: Keyword array

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the names of states, such as KEYDOWN.

  • Value
    Data type: Object

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a value to provide to the cmdlet.

  • Version
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the version of the property.

Quantity Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for quantity parameters.

  • All
    Data type: Boolean

    Implement this parameter so that true indicates that all resources should be acted upon instead of a default subset of resources. Implement this parameter so that false indicates a subset of the resources.

  • Allocation
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the number of items to allocate.

  • Blockcount
    Data type: Int64

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the block count.

  • Count
    Data type: Int64

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the count.

  • Scope
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the scope to operate on.

Resource Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for resource parameters. For these parameters, the resources could be the assembly that contains the cmdlet class or the host application that is running the cmdlet.

  • Application
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an application.

  • Assembly
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an assembly.

  • Attribute
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an attribute.

  • Class
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a Microsoft .NET Framework class.

  • Cluster
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a cluster.

  • Culture
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the culture in which to run the cmdlet.

  • Domain
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the domain name.

  • Drive
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a drive name.

  • Event
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an event name.

  • Interface
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a network interface name.

  • IpAddress
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an IP address.

  • Job
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a job.

  • LiteralPath
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the path to a resource when wildcard characters are not supported. (Use the Path parameter when wildcard characters are supported.)

  • Mac
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a media access controller (MAC) address.

  • ParentId
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the parent identifier.

  • Path
    Data type: String, String[]

    Implement this parameter so that the user can indicate the paths to a resource when wildcard characters are supported. (Use the LiteralPath parameter when wildcard characters are not supported.)

    We recommend that you develop this parameter so that it supports the full "provider:path" syntax used by providers. We also recommend that you develop it so that it works with as many providers as possible.

  • Port
    Data type: Integer, String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an integer value for networking or a string value such as "biztalk" for other types of port.

  • Printer
    Data type: Integer, String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the printer for the cmdlet to use.

  • Size
    Data type: Int32

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a size.

  • TID
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a transaction identifier (TID) for the cmdlet.

  • Type
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the type of resource on which to operate.

  • URL
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

  • User
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify their name or the name of another user.

Security Parameters

The following table lists suggested names and functionality for security parameters, such as parameters that specify certificate key and privilege information.

  • ACL
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter to specify the access control level of protection for a catalog or for a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

  • CertFile
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of a file that contains one of the following:

    • A Base64 or Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded x.509 certificate

    • A Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #12 file that contains at least one certificate and key

  • CertIssuerName
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the issuer of a certificate or so that the user can specify a substring.

  • CertRequestFile
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter to specify the name of a file that contains a Base64 or DER-encoded PKCS #10 certificate request.

  • CertSerialNumber
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter to specify the serial number that was issued by the certification authority.

  • CertStoreLocation
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the location of the certificate store. The location is typically a file path.

  • CertSubjectName
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the issuer of a certificate or so that the user can specify a substring.

  • CertUsage
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter to specify the key usage or the enhanced key usage. The key can be represented as a bit mask, a bit, an object identifier (OID), or a string.

  • Credential
    Data type: PSCredential

    Implement this parameter so that the cmdlet will automatically prompt the user for a user name or password. A prompt for both is displayed if a full credential is not supplied directly.

  • CSPName
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the certificate service provider (CSP).

  • CSPType
    Data type: Integer

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the type of CSP.

  • Group
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a collection of principals for access. For more information, see the description of the Principal parameter.

  • KeyAlgorithm
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the key generation algorithm to use for security.

  • KeyContainerName
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the name of the key container.

  • KeyLength
    Data type: Integer

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the length of the key in bits.

  • Operation
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify an action that can be performed on a protected object.

  • Principal
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a unique identifiable entity for access.

  • Privilege
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the right a cmdlet needs to perform an operation for a particular entity.

  • Privileges
    Data type: Array of privileges

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the rights that a cmdlet needs to perform its operation for a particular entry.

  • Role
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a set of operations that can be performed by an entity.

  • SaveCred
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that credentials that were previously saved by the user will be used when the parameter is specified.

  • Scope
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the group of protected objects for the cmdlet.

  • SID
    Data type: String

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify a unique identifier that represents a principal.

  • Trusted
    Data type: SwitchParameter

    Implement this parameter so that trust levels are supported when the parameter is specified.

  • TrustLevel
    Data type: Keyword

    Implement this parameter so that the user can specify the trust level that is supported. For example, possible values include internet, intranet, and fulltrust.

See Also


Windows PowerShell SDK

Other Resources

Cmdlet Parameters
Writing a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet