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IWMSPacketList Object (C#)

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IWMSPacketList Object (C#)

The IWMSPacketList object provides methods for managing packets, attributes, and buffers associated with a packet list.

  • Note   This object is available only on Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; and Windows Server 2008.

The IWMSPacketList object exposes the following properties and methods.

Method Description
AllocateBuffer Allocates a new buffer.
AllocatePageSizeBuffer Allocates a page-aligned buffer that is a multiple of a page size.
AllocPacket Allocates a new packet.
AppendPacket Adds a packet to the end of the packet list.
ClonePacketList Creates a copy of the packet list.
GetAllPackets Retrieves an array containing all the packets in the packet list.
GetAttribute Retrieves the value of a packet list attribute.
GetBuffer Retrieves the buffer associated with this packet list.
GetCompletionCallback Retrieves the callback object used to respond to the ReportStatus method call.
GetExtendedAttribute Retrieves the value of an extended packet list attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
GetExtendedAttributeByIndex Retrieves the name and value of an extended packet list attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
GetExtendedAttributeCount Retrieves the number of extended packet list attributes.
GetPacket Retrieves a specific packet from the packet list.
GetPacketCount Retrieves the number of packets in the packet list.
GetPacketParser Retrieves the IWMSPacketParser object that created the packet list.
GetStreamSignalParam Retrieves the stream signal type of the packet list.
InsertPacket Adds a packet to the packet list at a specified location.
RemoveAllPackets Removes all the packets from the packet list.
RemovePacket Removes a specified packet from the packet list.
ReportStatus Retrieves the status of the packet list.
SetAttribute Specifies the value of a packet list attribute.
SetBuffer Specifies the buffer associated with this packet list.
SetCompletionCallback Specifies the callback object that is used to respond to the ReportStatus method call.
SetExtendedAttribute Specifies the value of an extended packet list attribute that is defined by a plug-in.
SetPacketParser Specifies the IWMSPacketParser object that created the packet list.
SetStreamSignalParam Specifies the stream signal type of the packet list.


See Also

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