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Implementing Cache Proxy Sample Functionality

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Implementing Cache Proxy Sample Functionality

The Class1.cs file provides the core functionality of the WMS SDK Sample C# Cache Proxy plug-in by implementing the following interfaces included with the Windows Media Services SDK.

Interface Description
INSSBuffer Contains methods for supporting a memory buffer.
IWMSBasicPlugin Contains methods to initialize, disable, enable, and shut down a plug-in.
IWMSCacheItemCollection Contains a collection of IWMSCacheItemDescriptor interfaces.
IWMSCacheItemDescriptor Contains methods to retrieve the size, version number, expiration date, and URL of cached content.
IWMSCacheProxy Contains methods that administer a cache and specify cache policy.
IWMSCacheProxyServerCallback Contains methods that enable a cache plug-in to respond to calls that the server makes through the IWMSCacheProxyServer interface. The server calls these methods to report the progress of a downloading operation or send the plug-in information about the requested content.
IWMSProxyContext Contains methods that enable a plug-in to discover upstream proxy settings and credentials.

See Also

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