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IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin Object (C#)

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IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin Object (C#)

The IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin object is exposed by the WMS Network Data Source plug-in. This object allows you to control how data is received over different network protocols. The IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin object exposes the following properties and methods.

Property Description
BufferingTime Specifies and retrieves the amount of time that the plug-in buffers data before sending it along the data path.
NumProtocolsSupported Retrieves the number of networking protocols supported by the plug-in for receiving streams.
NumUDPPortRanges Retrieves the number of UDP/TCP port number ranges that can be used by the data source plug-in to receive data.
TCPEnabled Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the data source plug-in can use TCP when selecting a streaming protocol.
UDPEnabled Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the data source plug-in can use UDP when selecting a streaming protocol.
Method Description
AddUDPPortRange Adds a range of UDP/TCP port numbers that can be used by the data source plug-in to receive data.
DeleteAllUDPPortRanges Removes all of the UDP/TCP port number ranges that can be used by the data source plug-in to receive data.
get_ProxyHostName Retrieves the name of the proxy server.
get_ProxyPassword Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether a proxy password has been set for a particular protocol.
get_ProxyPort Retrieves the port number to use for a particular protocol to receive content from an upstream proxy server.
get_ProxySettings Retrieves an enumeration value indicating the proxy mode for a particular protocol.
get_ProxyUserName Retrieves a user name that can be sent to a proxy server in response to an authentication challenge.
get_SupportedProtocolName Retrieves the name of a specific protocol from a list of supported protocols.
get_UDPPortRangeLowerBound Retrieves the lower bound of a specific UDP port range.
get_UDPPortRangeUpperBound Retrieves the upper bound of a specific UDP port range.
SetProxyCredentials Specifies the user name and password that can be used to connect to a proxy.
SetProxyHostName Specifies the name of the proxy server.
SetProxyPort Specifies the port number used for streaming content to the proxy server.
SetProxySettings Specifies an enumeration value indicating the proxy mode for a particular protocol.

Example Code

The following example illustrates how to retrieve an IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin object.

using Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// Declare variables.
WMSServer Server;
IWMSPlugin Plugin;
IWMSAdminNetworkDataSourcePlugin AdminNetDataSrc;

try {
    // Create a new WMSServer object.
    Server = new WMSServerClass();

    // Retrieve the plug-in to be configured.
    Plugin = Server.DataSources[
                      "WMS Network Data Source"];

    // Retrieve the custom interface of the plug-in.
    AdminNetDataSrc =
catch (COMException comExc) {
    // TODO: Handle COM exceptions.
catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO: Handle exceptions.

See Also

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