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The StartArchive method begins saving the streamed content to a file.


  HRESULT StartArchive( );


This method takes no parameters.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Number Description
E_ACCESSDENIED 0x8007000E The account that the WMS service is running under does not have access rights to the content requested.
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x00000002 The server was not able to find the file that was referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 0x00000003 The server was not able to find the path that was referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
NS_E_CANNOTCONNECT 0xC00D0006L The destination server that was indicated in the path property exists but the server was unable to establish a connection to the destination server.
NS_E_EMPTY_PLAYLIST 0xC00D14B5L The playlist that the server is attempting to stream does not reference any media streams or files.
NS_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0xC00D001AL The server was not able to find the file that was referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
NS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER 0xC00D2EE8L The server that the publishing point attempted to connect to does not support the requested action.
NS_E_MEDIA_PARSER_INVALID_FORMAT 0xC00D1581L The server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupted.
NS_E_MMS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xC00D2EFAL The MMS protocol is not supported.
NS_E_PLAYLIST_PARSE_FAILURE 0xC00D14B6L The playlist that the server is attempting to parse contains a syntax error.
NS_E_PLAYLIST_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND 0xC00D157FL The server was not able to find a playlist parser plug-in to access the playlist that was referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVED 0xC00D145AL The publishing point has already been removed.
NS_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUND 0xC00D0035L The server was not able to find the server that was specified in the Path property of the publishing point.
NS_E_SOURCE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND 0xC00D157EL The server was not able to find a data source plug-in to access the data that was referenced by the Path property of the publishing point.
NS_E_WSX_INVALID_VERSION 0xC00D151EL The version of the playlist that the server is attempting to stream is either not supported by the server or is not valid. Version information in a playlist is indicated by the <WSX> element.
NS_S_PUBLISHING_POINT_STARTED_WITH_FAILED_SINKS 0x000D1519L At least one data sink started but one or more failed to start.
E_NOTIMPL 0x80004001 The default archiving plug-in is not enabled.


If the broadcast publishing point is stopped and you call the StartArchive method before calling IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint::Start, the server automatically starts the publishing point.

Example Code

#include <windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include "wmsserver.h"

// Declare variables and interfaces.
IWMSServer                    *pServer;
IWMSPublishingPoints          *pPubPoints;
IWMSPublishingPoint           *pPubPoint;
IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint  *pBCPubPoint;
IWMSPlugins                   *pPlugins;
IWMSPlugin                    *pPlugin;

HRESULT         hr;
CComVariant     varIndex;
CComBSTR        bstrPath;

// Initialize the COM library and retrieve a pointer
// to an IWMSServer interface.
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMSServer,
                      (void **)&pServer);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Retrieve a pointer to the IWMSPublishingPoints
// interface and retrieve the sample broadcast
// publishing point.
hr = pServer->get_PublishingPoints(&pPubPoints);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
varIndex = "Sample_Broadcast";
hr = pPubPoints->get_Item(varIndex, &pPubPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Query the IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint interface from
// the newly created publishing point.
hr = pPubPoint->QueryInterface(IID_IWMSBroadcastPublishingPoint,
                              (void **)&pBCPubPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Stop the publishing point.
hr = pBCPubPoint->Stop();
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Specify the publishing point path.
bstrPath = "C:\\WMPub\\WMRoot\\Serverside_Playlist.wsx";
hr = pBCPubPoint->put_Path(bstrPath);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Retrieve a pointer to an IWMSPlugins interface
// containing the collection of broadcast data sink 
// plug-ins.
hr = pBCPubPoint->get_BroadcastDataSinks(&pPlugins);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Retrieve a pointer to the IWMSPlugin interface
// of the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in. This is the
// default archive plug-in for the publishing point.
varIndex = "WMS Archive Data Writer";
hr = pPlugins->get_Item(varIndex, &pPlugin);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Make sure the plug-in is enabled.
hr = pPlugin->get_Enabled(&bEnabled);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
if (!bEnabled)
    hr = pPlugin->put_Enabled(VARIANT_TRUE);
    if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Restart the publishing point and begin archiving.
hr = pBCPubPoint->StartArchive();
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;

// Record for 10 seconds.

// Stop archiving. This does stop the publishing point.
hr = pBCPubPoint->StopArchive();

    // TODO: Release temporary COM objects and uninitialize COM.


Header: wmsserver.h.

Library: WMSServerTypeLib.dll.

Platform: Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family.

See Also

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