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The get_EnableFEC method retrieves a value that indicates whether Forward Error Correction is enabled.


  HRESULT get_EnableFEC(



[out] Pointer to a VARIANT_BOOL that indicates whether Forward Error Correction is enabled.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Number Description
E_POINTER 0x80004003 Indicates that pVal is a NULL pointer argument.
NS_E_INVALID_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION 0xC00D1459L Indicates that this feature is not supported on this operating system.
NS_E_PUBLISHING_POINT_REMOVED 0xC00D145AL Indicates that the publishing point was already removed.


The default value is TRUE. When this value is TRUE, a client may request Forward Error Correction at any time that the client is connected. Forward Error Correction is applicable only to RTSP connections and is not supported for outgoing distribution connection clients. Changes to this value apply only to new client connections. The maximum number of data packets that can be buffered before error correction is applied to them can be set by using the IWMSPublishingPointLimits::FECPacketSpan method.

Example Code



Header: wmsserver.h.

Library: WMSServerTypeLib.dll.

Platform: Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Server 2008 family.

See Also

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