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The smil element defines the root element of a playlist.


The following table identifies the attributes that are supported by Windows Media Services for the smil element. All attributes are optional.

Attribute Description
begin Specifies the time at which an element becomes active, relative to the start of its parent time container.
dur Specifies the simple duration of a media element.
end Specifies the time at which a media element stops playing, relative to the start of its parent time container.
syncEvent Sends a playlist synchronization event from the shared playlist for a publishing point to all client wrapper playlists.
id Uniquely identifies an element. This value must begin with a letter.
repeatCount Specifies the number of times that an element is repeated.
repeatDur Specifies the total duration of a repeated element.


The WMS SMIL Playlist Parser plug-in enforces case sensitivity on the smil element.

The smil element has the same behavior as the seq element, but it can be used only once, as the root element of the playlist.

Example Code

The following playlist illustrates use of the smil element.

<?wsx version="1.0"?>
    <media id="media_1" src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\Clip_1.wmv" dur="30s" />
    <media id="media_1" src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\Clip_2.wmv" />

See Also

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