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Using Type Libraries in C++ and Visual Basic 6

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Using Type Libraries in C++ and Visual Basic 6

If you develop in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, you can add references to the following type libraries by clicking References on the Project menu.

Type library Description
Microsoft XML, v3.0 Exposes the XML DOM interface.
Windows Media Services Server Object Model and Plugin 9.0 Type Library Exposes the server object model and interfaces that you can use to create custom plug-ins.

If you develop in C++, you can import the type library by placing the following line of code near the top of your project.

  • Note   To use C++ methods and interfaces of system plug-ins, the following line must appear in your code exactly as shown, or those methods and interfaces will not be properly defined.
#import "WMSServerTypeLib.dll" no_namespace named_guids \

See Also

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