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IWMSPacket.CopyAttributes (Visual Basic .NET)

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IWMSPacket.CopyAttributes (Visual Basic .NET)

The CopyAttributes method copies the specified attributes to another packet.





IWMSPacket object to copy the attributes to.


Reference to a uint array of WMS_PACKET_ATTRIBUTES values containing the attributes to copy. Each value must be one of the following. The default value is Nothing.

Value Description
WMS_PACKET_DURATION Retrieves the duration of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_ERASURES_DETECTED Retrieves a value indicating whether the packet was dropped.
WMS_PACKET_FLAGS Retrieves any flags associated with the packet defined by WMS_PACKET_LIST_ATTRIBUTES.
WMS_PACKET_LENGTH Retrieves the length of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_NET_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Retrieves the number of the packet in the sequence.
WMS_PACKET_NUM_BUFFERS Retrieves the count of buffers in the packet.
WMS_PACKET_NUM_NACKS Retrieves the number of times the packet has been resent.
WMS_PACKET_PACKET_NUM Retrieves the number of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_PACKETIZED_HDRLEN Header length of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_PRESENT_TIME Retrieves the low-order DWORD presentation time of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_PRESENT_TIME_HI Retrieves the high-order DWORD presentation time of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_RECV_TIME Retrieves the receive time of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_SEND_TIME Retrieves the low-order DWORD send time of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_SEND_TIME_ADJUSTMENT Send-time adjustment of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_SEND_TIME_HI Retrieves the high-order DWORD send time of the packet.
WMS_PACKET_STREAM_NUM Retrieves the stream number associated with this packet.


UInt32 containing the number of attributes to be copied. The default value is zero.


Int32 indicating whether to copy the extended attributes list. The default value is zero.

Return Values

This method does not return a value.


Reference: Add a reference to Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.

Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.Interop.

Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMediaServices.dll.

Library: WMSServerTypeLib.dll.

Platform: Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; Windows Server 2008.

See Also

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