A playlist event has occurred. You can determine the exact nature of the event by examining the WMS_COMMAND_CONTEXT_EVENT value in the command context. This will contain a value from the WMS_PLAYLIST_EVENT_TYPE enumeration type, as shown in the following table.
The server has switched to a new media element in the playlist and is attempting to open or connect to the media source. This is normally the first playlist event that is raised after the server creates the IWMSPlaylist object.
The server has started to cue up the media source referenced by a media element in the playlist. When the server cues up an element, it prepares a data path and buffers media data so that it can seamlessly switch to the cued element. This event is normally sent prior to the WMS_EVENT_PLAYLIST_SWITCH event. However, unless you programmatically cue up an element by using IWMSPlaylist::CueStream, this event will not be sent for the first element in a playlist.
The playlist has been modified.
The server is unable to open or connect to the specified media source. Therefore, it tries the next media element in the playlist. The WMS_EVENT_PLAYLIST_SWITCH event is sent before this event.