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XML DOM Interfaces (C++)

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XML DOM Interfaces (C++)

Windows Media Services supports the following interfaces in the XML Document Object Model. For detailed documentation of the methods of these interfaces, see the Microsoft XML SDK 3.0 documentation available at the Microsoft Web site.

  • Note   The Windows Media Services SDK does not support the use of DTDs or schemas. Unqualified namespaces are allowed when loading playlists into memory, but namespaces are not preserved when saving playlists to a file.
Interface Description
IXMLDOMAttribute Represents an attribute of the IXMLDOMElement interface.
IXMLDOMDocument Represents the top level of the XML source.
IXMLDOMElement Represents the element interface.
IXMLDOMImplementation Provides methods that are independent of any particular instance of the Document Object Model.
IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap Supports iteration through the collection of attribute nodes.
IXMLDOMNode Provides methods that represent the core functionality of any node.
IXMLDOMNodeList Supports iteration through the live collection, in addition to indexed access.

See Also

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