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MoveRecord Method

Moves the entity represent by a Record to another location.


Record.MoveRecord (Source, Destination, UserName, Password, Options, Async)


  • Source
    Optional. A String value that contains a URL identifying the Record to be moved. If Source is omitted or specifies an empty string, the object represented by this Record is moved. For example, if the Record represents a file, the contents of the file are moved to the location specified by Destination.
  • Destination
    Optional. A String value that contains a URL specifying the location where Source will be moved.
  • UserName
    Optional. A String value that contains the user ID that, if needed, authorizes access to Destination.
  • Password
    Optional. A String that contains the password that, if needed, verifies UserName.
  • Options
    Optional. A MoveRecordOptionsEnum value whose default value is adMoveUnspecified. Specifies the behavior of this method.
  • Async
    Optional. A Boolean value that, when True, specifies this operation should be asynchronous.

Return Value

A String value. Typically, the value of Destination is returned. However, the exact value returned is provider-dependent.


The values of Source and Destination must not be identical; otherwise, a run-time error occurs. At least the server, path, and resource names must differ.

For files moved using the Internet Publishing Provider, this method updates all hypertext links in files being moved unless otherwise specified by Options. This method fails if Destination identifies an existing object (for example, a file or directory), unless adMoveOverWrite is specified.

Note   Use the adMoveOverWrite option judiciously. For example, specifying this option when moving a file to a directory will delete the directory and replace it with the file.

Certain attributes of the Record object, such as the ParentURL property, will not be updated after this operation completes. Refresh the Record object's properties by closing the Record, then re-opening it with the URL of the location where the file or directory was moved.

If this Record was obtained from a Recordset, the new location of the moved file or directory will not be reflected immediately in the Recordset. Refresh the Recordset by closing and re-opening it.

Note   URLs using the http scheme will automatically invoke the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing. For more information, see Absolute and Relative URLs.

See Also

Move Method | MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods | MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, and MovePrevious Methods (RDS)

Applies To: Record Object