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Segment Form

The following notation shows the organization of the top-level chunk of a segment file. This form can also be contained within a Container Form.

  <segh-ck>   // Segment header chunk.
  [<guid-ck>]   // GUID for the segment.
  [<vers-ck>]   // Optional version information.
  [<UNFO-list>] // Name, author, copyright information, comments.
  [<DMCN-form>] // Optional container of objects embedded in file.
  <trkl-list>   // Tracks.
  [<DMTG-form>] // Optional toolgraph.
  [<DMAP-form>] // Optional audiopath.


This chunk contains the basic header information for a segment.

<segh-ck> -> segh( <DMUS_IO_SEGMENT_HEADER> )

<guid-ck>, <vers-ck>, <UNFO-list>

See Common Chunks.


See Container Form.


This is the track list. Each track is encapsulated in a Track Form.

<trkl-list> -> LIST( 'trkl'


See Toolgraph Form.


See Audiopath Form.

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