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ParamEqEffect.AllParameters Property (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound)

How Do I...?

  • Use Effect Parameters

Retrieves or sets parametric equalizer parameters of a SecondaryBuffer object.


Visual Basic Public Property AllParameters As EffectsParamEq
C# public EffectsParamEq AllParameters { get; set; }
C++ public:
property EffectsParamEq AllParameters {
        EffectsParamEq get();
        void set(EffectsParamEq value);
JScript public function get AllParameters() : EffectsParamEq
public function set AllParameters(EffectsParamEq);

Property Value

Contains parameters for a parametric equalizer effect.

This property is read/write. 



ArgumentExceptionLeave Site

An invalid parameter was passed to the called method.

How Do I...?

Use Effect Parameters

This C# example demonstrates how to use the parameters of an effect object from a SecondaryBuffer object.

The buffer object in this code snippet is assumed to be the SecondaryBuffer from the code in Add Effects to a SecondaryBuffer Object.


//Retrieve the effects object and
//the effect param sturctures and edit parameters.
EchoEffect echo = (EchoEffect)buffer.GetEffects(0);
EffectsEcho echo_params = echo.AllParameters;

echo_params.LeftDelay = 250.0f;
echo_params.RightDelay = 100.0f;
echo_params.Feedback = 85.0f;
echo_params.PanDelay = 1;
echo_params.WetDryMix = 50.0f;

ChorusEffect chorus = (ChorusEffect)buffer.GetEffects(1);
EffectsChorus chorus_params = chorus.AllParameters;

chorus_params.Delay = 15.0f;
chorus_params.Depth = ChorusEffect.DepthMax;
chorus_params.Phase = ChorusEffect.PhaseNegative90;
chorus_params.Waveform = ChorusEffect.WaveSin;
chorus_params.WetDryMix = 50.0f;

//Set the new parameters and play the buffer.
echo.AllParameters = echo_params;
chorus.AllParameters = chorus_params;

See Also