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Using MCL Files

MCL files are deprecated and their use is no longer recommended. A minimum of information is included with this SDK for application compatibility from prior versions of Windows Media Center.

You can add an HTML application to the Program Library > Programs By Name integration location by creating an MCL file, which is a simple XML file with any name and the extension .mcl.

For Windows Media Center to access the MCL file, you must either place a shortcut to the file or place the file itself in the C:\users\current user\AppData\Roaming\Media Center Programs folder.

Alternatively, you can create an MCL file and add it to the Windows Media Center programs directory programmatically by calling the MediaCenter.CreateMCL method. You can use the MediaCenter.DoesMCLExist method to discover whether an MCL file exists for a particular application category.

If you want your application button to appear in the Internet Radio section of the Windows Media Center interface, place your MCL file or shortcut in the C:\users\current user\AppData\Roaming\Media Center Programs\Radio folder.

See Also