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InkStrokes Collection

InkStrokes Collection

Contains the collection of IInkStrokeDisp objects.


The following tables list the members exposed by the object.


Event Description
StrokesAdded Occurs when one or more strokes is added to the InkStrokes collection.
StrokesRemoved Occurs when one or more strokes is deleted from the InkStrokes collection.


Method Description
Add Specifies the stroke or collection of strokes to add to a known collection of strokes.
AddStrokes Specifies the collection of strokes to add to a known collection of strokes.
Clip Specifies that strokes are clipped to fit within a known rectangle.
GetBoundingBox Specifies the rectangle, in ink space coordinates, that specifies the bounding box of a IInkStrokeDisp object.
Item Specifies the stroke to return at the known index into the collection.
ModifyDrawingAttributes Indicates the drawingattributes of all the strokes in a known collection of strokes.
Move Moves the strokes within the ink space.
Remove Specifies the stroke or collection of strokes to remove from a known collection of strokes.
RemoveRecognitionResult Removes the IInkRecognitionResult object that is associated with the collection.
RemoveStrokes Specifies a collection of strokes to remove from the strokes collection.
Rotate Specifies the amount to rotate the ink, measured in degrees, and specifies the center point of the rotation.
ScaleToRectangle Specifies the strokes in the collection to be scaled to fit in a specified rectangle.
ScaleTransform Specifies the X and Y factors by which to scale the ink.
Shear Specifies the X and Y factors to shear the strokes.
ToString Specifies the recognized text of the strokes.
Transform Specifies the operations to perform on the InkStrokes collection, such as scaling, rotation, translation, and skewing.


Property Description
_NewEnum Gets either the IEnumVARIANT or IEnumUnknown enumerator interface for the collection. Use this property to retrieve each object in the collection.

The _NewEnum property is marked restricted in the Interface Definition Language (IDL) definition for the collection interfaces. It is not shown in the Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0 object browser. It is automatically used internally when you use the For Each In construct in Visual Basic 6.0.

Count Returns the count of Stroke objects in the collection.
Ink Returns the Ink object that contains the collection.
RecognitionResult Returns the recognition result of the collection.


A strokes collection is a subset of strokes in an InkDisp object. Examples of strokes collections are:

  • All the strokes that are drawn by the same cursor.
  • The strokes in the InkDisp object that correspond to a word.
  • All the strokes that intersect a known region.

InkStrokes collections are references to ink data and are not the actual data itself.

After the strokes collection is created, it can be used to specify various operations on that subset of strokes, such as drawing, measuring, deleting, or extracting the set to a new InkDisp object.

For more information about collections in Automation, see Working with Collections.

COM Implementation

This collection implements the IInkStrokes COM interface.