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IMG HTML Element

The IMG element embeds an image in the document.


Attribute Value Description
ALIGN Bottom





Specifies text alignment following the IMG element reference relative to the screen graphic.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2002 software or later.
ALT String Specifies a text alternative for the graphic.
BORDER 0...# Controls the border thickness around a hyperlink or stand-alone image in pixels.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2002 software or later.
CLASS   Associates the element with a CSS style.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
HEIGHT 0...# Specifies image height in pixels or as a percentage of the parent object.
HSPACE 0...# Sets the horizontal margin for the image in pixels.
ID   Uniquely identifies the element within a document.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
ISMAP   Specifies that the image is a server-side image map.
SRC URL Specifies the URL of the image to be displayed. Pocket Internet Explorer supports the following files: JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG, and XBM.
STYLE   Provides the definition of the CSS styles used for this element.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.
USEMAP URL Specifies the URL of the client-side image map. For example, a bookmark like #map.
VSPACE 0...# Sets the image's vertical margin in pixels.
WIDTH 0...# Specifies image width in pixels or as a percentage of the parent object.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later

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