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INPUT TYPE=image HTML Element

The INPUT TYPE=image element creates an image control that, when clicked, causes the form to be submitted immediately.

The click coordinates are measured from the upper-left of the image. They are submitted with the form as two name or value pairs. The x or y coordinate is submitted under the name of the control with the x or y appended.

Attribute Value Description



Specifies text alignment following the IMG reference relative to the graphic on the screen.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2002 software or later.
HEIGHT 0...# Specifies the image height in pixels or as a percentage of the parent object.
NAME String Specifies the image control name.
ONCLICK   Event that occurs when the user chooses the image control.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2002 software or later.
SRC URL Specifies the image URL to be loaded by the image control.
TABINDEX   Sets the order in which elements are tabbed to.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2003 software or later.



Specifies text alignment following the IMG reference relative to the graphic on the screen.
Note   Supported only for devices running Windows Mobile 2002 software or later.
WIDTH 0...# Specifies the width of the image in pixels or as a percentage of the parent object.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later

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