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The APPLET element is ignored until a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is installed.


Attribute Value Description
ACCESSKEY 0...9, #, * Gives access or focus to an active HTML element by using a keypad number.



Specifies APPLET alignment.
CODE URL Indicates a URL pointing to the applet's code or class.
CODEBASE URL If the CODE attribute is relative, indicates the base URL for the applet. If the CODEBASE URL is relative, it is in relation to the current document URL or the BASE HREF element, if present.
HEIGHT 0...# Specifies the height of the applet in pixels.
HSPACE 0...# Specifies the horizontal spacing (left and right padding) around the applet in pixels.
NAME String Provides a way for the applet to identify itself to other applets in the current HTML page.
VSPACE 0...# Specifies the vertical spacing (top and bottom padding) around the applet in pixels.
WIDTH 0...# Explicitly specifies the width of the applet in pixels.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later

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