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The NOTIFICATION structure contains information about an event that has occurred and the data that has been affected by the event.


typedef struct { 
  ULONG   ulEventType; 
    union { 
      ERROR_NOTIFICATION          err; 
      NEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION        newmail; 
      OBJECT_NOTIFICATION         obj; 
      TABLE_NOTIFICATION          tab; 
    } info; 


  • ulEventType
    Type of notification event that occurred; this value corresponds to the structure that is included in the info union. See Remarks for information about possible values for this member.
  • info
    Union of notification structures describing the affected data for a particular type of event. The structure included info depends on the value of ulEventType.


One or more NOTIFICATION structures are passed as input parameters with every call to a registered advise sink's IMAPIAdviseSink::OnNotify method. The NOTIFICATION structures contain information about the particular events that have occurred and describe the affected objects.

Before clients or service providers receiving a notification can use the structure to process the event, they must check the event type as indicated in the ulEventType member.

The ulEventType member can be one of the following flags:

Flag Value Description
fnevCriticalError 0x00000001 A global error has occurred, such as a session shut down in progress. The info member contains an ERROR_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevExtended 0x80000000 An internal event defined by a particular service provider has occurred. The info member contains an EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevNewMail 0x00000002 A message has been delivered to the appropriate receive folder for the message class and is waiting to be processed. The info member contains a NEWMAIL_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevObjectCopied 0x00000040 A MAPI object has been copied. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevObjectCreated 0x00000004 A MAPI object has been created. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevObjectDeleted 0x00000008 A MAPI object has been deleted. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevObjectModified 0x00000010 A MAPI object has changed. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevObjectMoved 0x00000020 A message store or address book object has been moved. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevSearchComplete 0x00000080 A search operation has finished, and the results are available. The info member contains an OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure.
fnevTableModified 0x00000100 Information in a table has changed. The info member contains a TABLE_NOTIFICATION structure.


Smartphone: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapidefs.h

See Also



MAPI Structures






Last updated on Friday, April 22, 2005

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