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The actions enumeration is used by IMessageFormHost::DoAction to specify the action.


enum actions { 
  actNull             =  0,
  actFirst            =  0,
  actReplyTo          =  1,
  actReplyToAll       =  2,
  actForward          =  3,
  actDelete           =  4,
  actClose            =  5,
  actMoveToFolder     =  6,
  actGotoNextMessage  =  7,
  actGotoPrevMessage  =  8,
  actComposeNew       =  9,
  actGetFullMessage   = 10,
  actViewAttachment   = 11,
  actReplyWith        = 12,
  actShow             = 13,


  • actNull
    Perform no operation.
  • actFirst
    The placeholder that marks the first element in the enumeration range.
  • actReplyTo
    Reply to the message.
  • actReplyToAll
    Reply to sender and to all recipients on the message.
  • actForward
    Forward the message.
  • actDelete
    Delete the message.
  • actClose
    Close the message form.
  • actMoveToFolder
    Move the message to a folder.
  • actGotoNextMessage
    Go to the next message.
  • actGotoPrevMessage
    Go to the previous message.
  • actComposeNew
    Compose a new message.
  • actGetFullMessage
    Mark the message for full download (not just the header).
  • actViewAttachment
    Not supported.
  • actReplyWith
    Not supported.
  • actShow
    Display the entire message.
  • actLast
    The placeholder that marks the last element in the enumeration range.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0
Header: cemapi.h

See Also




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