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The IBrowser interface provides methods for the following:

  • Navigating to a URL.
  • Rendering an HTML page.
  • Retrieving and changing characteristics of the user interface, such as margins, scroll bars, and frames.

Methods in Vtable Order

IBrowser methods Description
navigate Navigates to a resource identified by a URL or to the file identified by a full path.
Refresh Reloads the file that is currently displayed in the object.
Stop Cancels any pending navigation or download operation and stops any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations.
get_Busy Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object is engaged in a navigation or downloading operation.
get_title Gets the title of the document currently displayed in the browser.
get_LocationURL Gets the URL of the resource that Pocket Internet Explorer is currently displaying.
get_IsFrame Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the instance of IBrowser is a frame.
put_IsFrame Sets a Boolean value indicating whether the instance of IBrowser is a frame.
get_ScrollStyle Gets the scroll bar style.
put_ScrollStyle Sets the scroll bar style.
get_MarginWidth Gets the left and right margin widths before displaying the text in a frame.
put_MarginWidth Sets the left and right margin widths before displaying the text in a frame.
get_MarginHeight Gets the top and bottom margin heights before displaying the text in a frame
put_MarginHeight Sets the top and bottom margin heights before displaying the text in a frame.
FrameNavigate Navigates the frame to the specified location and displays the contents in folder view.
get_SelectedCodepage Gets the code page for the document currently displayed in the browser.
put_SelectedCodepage Sets the language code page for the document currently displayed in the browser.
get_CBrowserPointer Gets a data structure.


The interface ID for IBrowser is IID_IBrowser.

    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Browser, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 
                          IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnknown);
    if (FAILED (hr)) exit(0);  // Replace with specific error handling.
    hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IBrowser, (void**)&pBrowser); 
    if (FAILED (hr)) exit(0);  // Replace with specific error handling.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 4.0 and later
Header: webvw.h
Library: webvw.lib

See Also




Pocket Internet Explorer Browser API Interfaces

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