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What's New in Tablet PC SDK Version 1.7

What's New in Tablet PC SDK Version 1.7

Description of the most important differences between Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition Development Kit 1.7 and previous versions.

Real Time Stylus

The RealTimeStylus object gives you the opportunity to control the creation and rendering of ink at a low level by accessing and modifying packet data.

Web controls

The Tablet PC managed library in this release has been enhanced to support partially trusted environments, namely execution of managed assemblies from web pages.

Context Tagging Tool

The Context Tagging tool provides a way of setting context information for editable controls in existing applications. Context information helps improve the recognition results returned by the handwriting recognition engines. You can launch the context tagging tool from the Start menu under All Programs/Tablet PC Platform SDK.

Documentation Updates

The Tablet PC SDK 1.7 documentation contains new reference and conceptual topics about the RealTimeStylus object, and ink enabling Web pages. There is also documentation about the Context Tagging tool, accessible from the tool. There are also topics describing the new samples and corrections and updates to other topics.

New Samples

Several new samples have been added to demonstrate the RealTimeStylus and the new Web features of the platform.