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This method gets information about the current store instance.

HRESULT GetStoreInfo(


Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values for this method.

Value Description
NOERROR The STOREINFO structure was successfully returned.
E_INVALIDARG The value of cbStruct is not expected.
E_POINTER The store is not initialized or there is a problem getting the required store identifier or lpbStored is NULL.
E_OUTOFMEMORY The value of cbMaxStoreId is too small. The size of the identifier is set in cbStoreId upon return.


The ActiveSync manager calls the GetStoreInfo with lpbStoreId set to NULL for the first time. The ActiveSync service provider should then set cbStoreId to the size of the store identifier. Replication then calls GetStoreInfo again with an allocated buffer and the size stored in cbMaxStoreId.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Cesync.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also


 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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