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Client-Side Point to Latitude/Longitude Conversion Sample

This sample shows how to convert a point to latitude/longitude on client-side (without calling the MapPoint Web Service).

Run this sample in Visual Studio .NET

  1. Navigate to the appropriate project subfolder in the PointConversion folder, and then open the appropriate project file.

    • Visual Basic .NET project location:
      \Microsoft MapPoint Web Service SDK, Version 3.5\Samples\PointConversion\vb\PointConversionVB.vbproj
    • Visual C# .NET project location:
      \Microsoft MapPoint Web Service SDK, Version 3.5\Samples\PointConversion\cs\PointConversionCS.csproj
  2. Replace the values of the myUserId and mySecurePassword variables with your customer ID and password.

  3. On the Project menu, click Update Web Reference.

  4. On the Debug menu, click Start.

    Note  You may notice a slight discrepancy between the client generated latitude/longitude and the Web Service generated latitude/longitude due to the SOAP serialization/deserialization rounding approximations for double values.

See Also

Sample Code