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Microsoft Speech SDK Version 5.1


CSpEvent::CopyTo copies the event instance and sets the lparam accordingly.

    HRESULT CopyTo(
   SPEVENT   *pDestEvent


  • pDestEvent
    The event to copy to. The member elParamType is copied according to the follow parameter value:
    SPET_LPARAM_IS_POINTER copies wparam into lparam if lparam is currently valid. On error, pDestEvent->eEventId is set to SPEI_UNDEFINED.
    SPET_LPARAM_IS_STRING copies lparam into lparam if it is currently valid. On error, pDestEvent->eEventId is set to SPEI_UNDEFINED.
    SPET_LPARAM_IS_TOKEN or SPET_LPARAM_IS_OBJECT calls AddRef() for lparam.

Return values

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Exceeded available memory.