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WMEncDataView Object

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The WMEncDataView object controls data view objects. You can use this interface to configure the display settings of the stream, and start or stop the rendering process.

Currently, you can preview and postview a stream. A preview object displays a specific multimedia stream before it is compressed. A postview object displays the same stream after compression and decompression. Postviews, therefore, more closely resemble the image rendered in Windows Media Player on a client computer.

All of the data view objects associated with a stream are grouped together in a collection. Thus, there can be multiple collections, each associated with a different stream. Collections are managed by the IWMEncDataViewCollection object.

The WMEncDataView object exposes the following methods.

Method Description
GetViewProperties Retrieves the properties of a specific input stream.
SetViewProperties Specifies the properties of a specific input stream.
StartAllViews Starts displaying all media streams.
StartView Starts displaying a specific media stream.
StopAllViews Stops displaying all media streams.
StopView Stops displaying a specific media stream.

See Also