AppointmentProperty Enumeration
This enumeration defines the set of Appointment object properties.
Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook (in microsoft.windowsmobile.pocketoutlook.dll)
public enum AppointmentProperty
Public Enumeration AppointmentProperty
Member name | Description |
AllDayEvent | A value indicating whether an appointment occurs as an all day event. |
AttendeesCriticalChange | A timestamp indicating that a meeting attendee wants to update the meeting request. Required when sending an updated meeting request back to the meeting owner. |
Body | The text Notes of the PIM item |
BodyInk | The ink Notes of the PIM item |
BusyStatus | A contact's availability in the time period spanned by an appointment (Free = 0, Tentative = 1, Busy = 2, OutOfOffice = 3) |
Categories | A comma-separated list of the categories that apply to this item |
Duration | The length of an appointment in minutes. |
End | The end time of an appointment. |
FolderCategories | A comma-separated list of all the categories that are used in this folder |
GlobalObjectId | A unique identifier for the appointment |
IsRecurring | A value indicating whether the appointment or task is recurring. |
Location | The location of an appointment. |
MeetingOrganizerName | The name of the person who organized the meeting. |
MeetingOwnerCriticalChange | A timestamp indicating that the meeting owner wants to update the meeting request. Required when sending an updated meeting request to attendees. You must call Update on the appointment before setting either MeetingOwnerCriticalChange or AttendeesCriticalChange. |
MeetingStatus | A value indicating whether an appointment is a meeting. (NotMeeting = 0, Meeting = 1, MeetingAccepted=3, MeetingCanceled=7) |
Recent | A value indicating whether this PIM item is in the "recently viewed" list |
RecurringDayOfMonth | The day in a month on which an item occurs, from 1 to 31. |
RecurringDayOfWeekMask | The days of the week of the recurrence. (Sunday=1, Monday=2, Tuesday=4, etc.) |
RecurringDuration | The duration of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurringEndTime | The ending date of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurringInstance | The week of the month in which an item occurs, from one to five. |
RecurringInterval | The length of time between occurrences. |
RecurringMonthOfYear | The month of the year on which an item occurs, from one to twelve. |
RecurringNoEnd | A value indicating whether the recurrence pattern has an end. |
RecurringOccurrences | The number of occurences |
RecurringPatternEndDate | The ending date of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurringPatternStartDate | The starting date of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurringStartTime | The starting time of the recurrence pattern. |
RecurringTimeZone | The timezone of the appointment as a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure |
RecurringType | The type (frequency) of recurrence: NoRecurrence = -1, Daily = 0, Weekly = 1, Monthly = 2, MonthByNumber = 3, Yearly = 5, Every Nth Year = 6 |
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart | The number of minutes a reminder alarm occurs before the start of an appointment. |
ReminderOptions | What actions to take when the reminder occurs. (LED=1, Vibrate=2, Dialog=4, Sound=8, Repeat=16) |
ReminderSet | A value indicating whether the user wants to be reminded of an appointment or task. |
ReminderSoundFile | The path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs. |
Sensitivity | The sensitivity (Normal = 0, Personal = 1, Private = 2, Confidential = 3) |
SourceId | An integer indicating the source, or owning application, of the PIM item. Zero is the default. |
Start | The start time of an appointment. |
Subject | The subject |