ContactProperty Enumeration
Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook (in microsoft.windowsmobile.pocketoutlook.dll)
public enum ContactProperty
Public Enumeration ContactProperty
Member name | Description |
AccountName | The contact's account name. |
AllCommunicationMethods | All communication methods. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllEmail | All email addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllInstantMessaging | All instant messaging addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllPhone | All telephone numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllPhoneAndSIM | All telephone and SIM numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllTextMessaging | All text messaging addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
AllVoice | All voice numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array. |
Anniversary | The contact's wedding anniversary date. |
AssistantName | The name of the contact's assistant. |
AssistantTelephoneNumber | The contact's assistant's telephone number. |
Birthday | The contact's birthdate. |
Body | The text Notes of the PIM item |
BodyInk | The ink Notes of the PIM item |
Business2TelephoneNumber | The contact's second business telephone number. |
BusinessAddress | The contact's business address. |
BusinessAddressCity | The city name in the contact's business address. |
BusinessAddressCountry | The country/region name in the contact's business address. |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | The postal code in the contact's business address. |
BusinessAddressState | The state name in the contact's business address. |
BusinessAddressStreet | The street name in the contact's business address. |
BusinessFaxNumber | The contact's business fax number. |
BusinessTelephoneNumber | The contact's business telephone number. |
CarTelephoneNumber | The contact's car telephone number. |
Categories | A comma-separated list of the categories that apply to this item |
Children | The names of the contact's children. |
CompanyName | The contact's company name. |
CompanyTelephoneNumber | The contact's company telephone number. |
CustomerId | The contact's customer ID. |
Department | The contact's department name. |
DisplayName | The contact's name as it should appear in the user interface |
Email1Address | The contact's e-mail address. |
Email2Address | The contact's second e-mail address. |
Email3Address | The contact's third e-mail address. |
FileAs | The filing string for the contact. |
FirstName | The contact's first name. |
FolderCategories | A comma-separated list of all the categories that are used in this folder |
GovernmentId | The contact's government ID. |
Home2TelephoneNumber | The contact's second home telephone number. |
HomeAddress | The contact's home address. |
HomeAddressCity | The city name in the contact's home address. |
HomeAddressCountry | The country/region name in the contact's home address. |
HomeAddressPostalCode | The postal code in the contact's home address |
HomeAddressState | The state name in the contact's home address. |
HomeAddressStreet | The street name in the contact's home address. |
HomeFaxNumber | The contact's home fax number. |
HomeTelephoneNumber | The contact's home telephone number. |
IM1Address | The contact's Instant Messaging address. |
IM2Address | The contact's second Instant Messaging address. |
IM3Address | The contact's third Instant Messaging address. |
JobTitle | The contact's job title. |
LastName | The contact's last name. |
Manager | The contact's manager's name. |
MiddleName | The contact's middle name. |
Mms | The contact's MMS address. |
MobileTelephoneNumber | The contact's mobile telephone number. |
Nickname | The contact's nickname. |
OfficeLocation | The contact's office location. |
OtherAddress | The contact's other address. |
OtherAddressCity | The city name in the contact's other address. |
OtherAddressCountry | The country/region name in the contact's other address. |
OtherAddressPostalCode | The postal code in the contact's other address |
OtherAddressState | The state name in the contact's other address. |
OtherAddressStreet | The street name in the contact's other address. |
PagerNumber | The contact's pager number. |
Picture | The contact's picture. |
RadioTelephoneNumber | The contact's radio telephone number. |
Recent | A value indicating whether this PIM item is in the "recently viewed" list |
RingTone | The custom ring tone for the contact. |
SIMPhone | The contact's telephone number stored on the telephone's SIM card. |
SmartProperty | The property id of the property that is used as the primary communication method for the contact. |
Sms | The contact's SMS address. |
SourceId | An integer indicating the source, or owning application, of the PIM item. Zero is the default. |
Spouse | The contact's spouse's name. |
Suffix | The contact's name suffix. |
Title | The contact's title. |
WebPage | The address of the contact's web page. |
YomiCompanyName | The contact's company name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system. |
YomiFileAs | The contact's filing string rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system. |
YomiFirstName | The contact's first name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system. |
YomiLastName | The contact's last name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system. |