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Mesh.Split Method ()

Splits a mesh into multiple meshes that are smaller than the specified size.

Overload List

public static Mesh[] Split(Mesh, int[], int, MeshFlags);
public static Mesh[] Split(Mesh, int[], int, MeshFlags, out GraphicsStream, out GraphicsStream, out GraphicsStream);


This method is commonly used to split a mesh with 32-bit indices (more than 65,535 vertices) into multiple meshes, each of which has 16-bit indices.

The param_GraphicsStreamR_adjacencyArrayOut, param_GraphicsStreamR_vertRemapArrayOut, and param_GraphicsStreamR_faceRemapArrayOut arrays have two dimensions. The first dimension specifies the mesh, and the second specifies the data. For example, to obtain the face remap information for face 3 in mesh 2, the following C# code could be used, assuming the face remap data is returned in a variable named faceRemapArrayOut.

[C#]int remap = FaceRemapArrayOut[2][3];



The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.


The data is invalid.

OutOfMemoryExceptionLeave Site

Microsoft Direct3D could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call.