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This structure contains a description of the original contents of an image file.

typedef struct _D3DXIMAGE_INFO {
  UINT Width;
  UINT Height;
  UINT Depth;
  UINT MipLevels;
  D3DFORMAT Format;


  • Width
    Width of original image in pixels.
  • Height
    Height of original image in pixels.
  • Depth
    Depth of original image in pixels.
  • MipLevels
    Number of mip levels in original image.
  • Format
    A value from the D3DFORMAT enumerated type that most closely describes the data in the original image.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: D3dx8tex.h.

See Also

Direct3DX Structures

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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