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Building Applications on the Command Line

Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ provides command-line tools for programmers who prefer to build their applications from the MS-DOS command prompt. To use the command line to build a project created in eMbedded Visual C++, you can use NMAKE or EVC /MAKE.

When you build from the command line, you can get help on warnings, errors, and messages by starting the development environment and choosing Search on the Help menu.

Preparing to Build on the Command Line

Before you build on the command line using the NMAKE command, you need to set environment variables (PATH, LIB, INCLUDE, and TMP). Evc.exe does not use these environment variables, so you do not need to set them to build on the command line using Evc.exe.

You can build target environments for any of the processors supported in the IDE. Batch files for setting environment variables for the different processors are located in the Microsoft eMbedded Tools\EVC\WCExxx\BIN directories (where xxx represents the version number). These files set the PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB paths. You also need to set the TMP variable if it is not set already. You may also need to set the SOURCE path for some operations.

Important The batch files are templates only; you must modify them for your project before you can use them. For more information, see Environment Variables for Cl.exe and Link.exe.