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Direct3D Driver Resources

Windows CE .NET–based driver developers should reference the following header files when developing a Direct3D driver:

  • D3dnthal.h
    Contains prototypes for callbacks that are implemented by the driver and definitions for driver-level structures. The D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION enumerated type is defined in this file. This header is not included in Winddi.h*.* Winddi.h must also be included in all Windows CE .NET and later display drivers.
  • D3dtypes.h
    Contains Direct3D type definitions used by both applications and drivers. Except for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION, all other Direct3D enumerated types are defined in this header.
  • D3dcaps.h
    Contains structures and definitions that describe capabilities of various aspects of Direct3D drivers.
  • Dx95type.h
    Allows you to write driver code that is portable between Microsoft® Windows NT® and Windows CE .NET and later.
  • Ddrawi.h
    This header file is required to develop the DirectDraw portion of a display driver.

All of these header files are shipped with Windows CE. Windows CE also provides sample code for a Direct3D driver in the perm3 video display directory.

Reference topics for Direct3D DDI functions, structures, and enumerations can be found in Direct3D Driver Functions, Direct3D Driver Structures, and Direct3D Driver Enumerations.

The primary reference for aspects of the Direct3D interface related to software development kits (SDKs) is the Direct3D SDK documentation.

Less-experienced graphics programmers might find Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice by Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes, published by Addison-Wesley 1990, to be a useful general graphics reference.

See Also

Direct3D Implementation Guide

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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