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This function allows an application (or NDIS protocol driver) to return a list of the names of all the protocols bound to the specific adapter.

VOID NdisGetAdapterBindings(
  PWSTR wszAdapterInstanceName,
  PBYTE pOutBuf,
  DWORD cbOutBufSize,
  PDWORD pcbReturned


  • pStatus
    [out] On return, contains the status of the operation.
  • wszAdapterInstanceName
    [in] The NULL-terminated name of protocol name, can be NULL - in this case all protocols will bind to adapter, based on registry setting.
  • pOutBuf
    [out] Pointer to a buffer to receive the retrieved list of protocol driver names to which the adapter is bound. The list will be a wide character multi-string.
  • cbOutBufSize
    [in] Size in bytes of the pOutBuffer string.
  • pcbReturned
    [out] Pointer to DWORD in which to store the number of bytes in the returned multi-string.

Return Values

Status of operation.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.

See Also


 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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