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This method inserts a tool in the graph.

HRESULT InsertTool(
  IDirectMusicTool* pTool,
  DWORD* pdwPChannels,
  DWORD cPChannels,
  LONG lIndex


  • pTool
    Tool to insert.
  • pdwPChannels
    Address of an array of PChannels on which the tool accepts messages. If the tool accepts messages on all PChannels, pass NULL.
  • cPChannels
    Count of how many PChannels are pointed to by pdwPChannels. Ignored if pdwPChannels is NULL.
  • lIndex
    Position at which to place the tool. This is a zero-based index from either the start or (if it is negative) the end of the current tool list. If lIndex is out of range, the tool is placed at the beginning or end of the list. To place a tool at the end of the list, use a number for lIndex that is larger than the number of tools in the current tool list.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If it fails, the method can return one of the following error values:



The reference count of the tool is incremented.

This method calls IDirectMusicTool::Init.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and Windows CE .NET 4.1.
Header: Dmusici.h.
Link Library: Dmusic.lib.

See Also


 Last updated on Monday, April 12, 2004

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