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This method flushes all queued messages from the supplied time forward and causes all tracks of all segments to resend their data from the given time forward.

HRESULT Invalidate(
  MUSIC_TIME mtTime,
  DWORD dwFlags


  • mtTime
    Time from which to invalidate, adjusted by dwFlags. Setting this value to 0 causes immediate invalidation.

  • dwFlags
    Flags that adjust mtTime to align to measures, beats, or grids. This value can be 0 or one of the following elements of the DMUS_SEGF_FLAGS enumeration:


Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If it fails, the method can return DMUS_E_NO_MASTER_CLOCK.


If mtTime is so long ago that it is impossible to invalidate that time, the earliest possible time is used.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and Windows CE .NET 4.1.
Header: Dmusici.h.
Link Library: Dmusic.lib.

See Also

Prepare Time | Segment Timing | DMUS_SEGF_FLAGS

 Last updated on Monday, April 12, 2004

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