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This method converts music time to rhythm time.

HRESULT TimeToRhythm(
  MUSIC_TIME mtTime,
  WORD* pwMeasure,
  BYTE* pbBeat,
  BYTE* pbGrid,
  short* pnOffset


  • mtTime
    Time to convert.
  • pTimeSig
    Address of a DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE structure that contains information about the time signature.
  • pwMeasure
    Address of a variable to receive the measure in which the time falls.
  • pbBeat
    Address of a variable to receive the beat at which the time falls.
  • pbGrid
    Address of a variable to receive the grid at which the time falls.
  • pnOffset
    Address of a variable to receive the offset from the grid (in music-time ticks) at which the time falls.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and Windows CE .NET 4.1.
Header: Dmusici.h.
Link Library: Dmusic.lib.

See Also

IDirectMusicPerformance::RhythmToTime | DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE

 Last updated on Monday, April 12, 2004

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