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startEnvelope and endEnvelope Methods

These methods begin and end an <Envelope> element in a SOAP message.

HRESULT startEnvelope( 
  BSTR env_Prefix, 
  BSTR enc_style_uri, 
  BSTR xml_encoding 

HRESULT endEnvelope (void);


  • env_Prefix
    [in] Optional. Namespace for the SOAP elements. The default is "". If the parameter is an empty string or is missing, the application uses the value "SOAP-ENV".

  • enc_style_uri
    [in] Optional. Universal Resource Identifier (URI) for the encodingStyle attribute of the <Envelope> element. The following values have special meaning when assigned to this parameter:

    Value Description
    NONE Default. Use this value if you do not want encodingStyle attribute generated in <Envelope> element.
    STANDARD Use this value if you want to generate encodingStyle attribute with the default encoding style in the <Envelope> element.
  • xml_encoding
    [in] Optional. XML character encoding used for the SOAP message. The default is "". Uses "UTF-8" if this parameter is missing or is an empty string.

Return Values

The following table describes the common return values.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
E_NOTIMPL The function contains no implementation.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory.


Serializer.startEnvelope() is identical to Serializer.startEnvelope(NONE), which creates this <Envelope> element:


Serializer.startEnvelope("STANDARD") creates this <Envelope> element:

<Envelope encodingStyle="" >...</Envelope>

Serializer.startEnvelope("") creates this <Envelope> element:

<Envelope encodingStyle="">...</Envelope>

Serializer.startBody("SomeEncoding") creates this <Envelope> element:

<Envelope encodingStyle="SomeEncoding">...</Envelope>


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mssoap.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also


 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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