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Remote Call Profiler View Windows

Remote Call Profiler view windows display data from an .icp file in a customizable format. The following table shows the Remote Call Profiler views.

View Description
Top X View Displays the functions that consume the greatest time or counter value based on timing criteria that you specify.
Module Summary View Lists statistics for loaded modules and lists instances of entry into the functions in each module.
Call Tree View Displays a hierarchical depiction of the call paths of functions.
Butterfly View Displays data in tabular format that shows the relationship between calling and called functions.
Call Graph View Displays a summary of the parent-child relationships between functions.
Call Trace and Function Trace Views Displays a data grid that shows the actual and calculated timing values for function entry and exit events.

See Also

How to Use Remote Call Profiler to Find Performance Problems | Opening a View Window

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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