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This macro changes the text of a list-view item or subitem. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMTEXT message explicitly.

void WINAPI ListView_SetItemText( 
  HWND hwnd, 
  int i, 
  int iSubItem, 
  LPCSTR pszText 


  • hwnd
    Handle to the list-view control.

  • i
    Index of the list-view item.

  • iSubItem
    Index of the subitem. To set the item label, set iSubItem to zero.

  • pszText
    Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the new text.

    This parameter can be LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK to indicate a callback item for which the parent window stores the text. In this case, the list-view control sends the parent an LVN_GETDISPINFO message when it needs the text.

    This parameter can be NULL.

Return Values



Calls to ListView_SetItemText will fail if the control was created with the LVS_OWNERDATA control styles.

Related message: LVM_SETITEMTEXT


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also

LVM_SETITEMTEXT | Control Styles | List-View Controls Macros

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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