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Information page overview

An information page displays a combination of result viewers to present data relevant to a user in a specific role. The data displayed on an information page is for display only. Information pages provide a “safe” way to display data without worrying about a user modifying or deleting the data.

An information page displays information for a specific entity. Information pages work well for entities that contain detailed data, or have complex relationships with other entities. The following illustration shows the Leads information page included in the Great Plains version of the BPSDK sample application. It displays information for the Lead entity, including data from its associated Note entity.


As web parts on an information page, result viewers can communicate with each other by publishing and subscribing to data. For example, if a user selects a lead in the Leads result viewer, detailed information about that lead is displayed in the Lead Information and Lead Note result viewers. For information on how to connect your result viewer web parts (so that they communicate with each other), see Web Part Communication.