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Adding a Solomon window

To be accessible from the Business Portal, each window for your Solomon integrating application must be added to the Screen table in your system database. Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to view the rows in the table, and then add a new row for each window in your application you want to make accessible.

You need to supply the following information for each window:

Module   The module you consider your window to be associated with.

Name    The name of the window that will be displayed in the back office page.

Number   The ID assigned to the window when it was created. For example, the Lead Maintenance window in the BPSDK sample integration was assigned the following ID: XLEAD00.

ScreenType   Letter that indicates the window’s type. “S” indicates a screen, or window. “R” indicates a report. You’ll need to enter “S”.

tstamp   Timestamp column. Set this column to NULL.

You may have already added your own windows to the Screen table as part of installing your integrating Solomon application.